Sedikit koleksi macro gw buat dipake di Melon Ragnarok Private Server.

(Note : perhatikan versi openkore dan macros plugin anda.)

Openkore Version : 2.1-SVN (r7449)
Macro Plugin Version : 2.0.3-SVN : 6744
Macro::Automacro : 6760
Macro::Script : 6782
Macro::Parser : 6759
Macro::Utilities : 6812
Macro::Data : 6753
Windows Language English

1. Macros Buffer + Autoloot + Unstuck (Harus save payon dan ini merupakan 1 kesatuan, jgn dipisah-pisah)

automacro klikBuff {
location payon 155 227
run-once 1
call {
do e flg2
do talknpc 154 232 r0
release releaseBuff
release unStuck
automacro releaseBuff {
location not payon
run-once 1
call {
pause 0.5
release klikBuff
pause 0.5
do c @autoloot 100
$testmap = @config(lockMap)
if ($.map == $testmap) goto end
do respawn
automacro unStuck {
console /^Cannot calculate a route from (.*) \((.*)\) to (.*) \((.*)\)/i
run-once 1
call {
if ($.lastMatch1 == $.lastMatch3) goto gaUsah
do is Butterfly Wing
do tele

2. Macro balik jika sp abis (kurang berfungsi klo macro buffer diatas ga diaktifin)

automacro spAbis {
console /^skill (.*) failed \(insufficient sp\)/i
call {
do respawn
timeout 30

3. DC jika kena status strip weapon (buat lawan metaling)

automacro strip {
status Strip Weapon
call {
do relog 10
timeout 20

4. Pindah map apabila sudah mendapatkan barang yang diinginkan

automacro pindahMap {
run-once 1
inventory "Dragon Tail Card" >= 1
call {
do conf lockMap xmas_dun02
pause 1
do autostorage
timeout 2

automacro pindahMap2 {
run-once 1
inventory "Cruiser Card" >= 1
call {
do conf lockMap c_tower2
pause 1
do autostorage
timeout 2

### Note : Nama barang dan lokasi lockmap bisa disesuaikan sendiri, contoh diatas, mencari dragon tail dan cruiser card.

5. Macro nuker rough oridecon dan rough elunium (Hanya berguna di payon)

5.1 Part 1, tambahkan di file config.txt :

getAuto {
label ambilBarang1
minAmount 0
maxAmount 100

getAuto {
label ambilBarang2
minAmount 0
maxAmount 100

5.2 Part 2, tambahkan di file macros.txt :

automacro initialisasi {
console "You are now in the game"
exclusive 1
call {
set macro_delay 0
do conf storageAuto 0
do conf ambilBarang1.block none
do conf ambilBarang2.block none
do conf relogAfterStorage 0
do conf itemsTakeAuto 0
do conf itemsGatherAuto 0
$mode = kosong

macro ori {
do conf ambilBarang1.block Rough Oridecon
do conf ambilBarang1.maxAmount 261
$mode = ori
do autostorage

macro elu {
do conf ambilBarang1.block Rough Elunium
do conf ambilBarang1.maxAmount 261
$mode = elu
do autostorage

automacro selesaiStorage {
console "Storage logged"
#exclusive 1
call {
if ($modeSetoran == 1) goto oke1
if ($modeSetoran == 2) goto oke
do talknpc 154 232 r0
do move 141 187

automacro startTalk {
location payon 141 187
exclusive 1
call {
if ($mode == "ori") goto nukerOri
if ($mode == "elu") goto nukerElu
if (@invamount(Rough Oridecon) > 5) goto lanjutOri
do north
do talknpc 137 178 r0
if (@invamount(Rough Oridecon) > 5) goto lanjutOri
do autostorage
if (@invamount(Rough Elunium) > 5) goto lanjutElu
do north
do talknpc 137 178 r1
if (@invamount(Rough Elunium) > 5) goto lanjutElu
do autostorage

### Untuk menjalankan, ketik macro ori pada layar bot untuk mulai menukarkan rough oridecon, dan macro elu untuk mulai menukarkan rough elunium

6. Macro tempa +4 buat yang males klik (Hanya berfungsi di payon)

6.1 masukkan semua eq yg sama ke dalam inventory (contoh disini, wool scarf), dan elunium secukupnya

6.2 pastikan TIDAK ada equipment yang dipakai (untuk menghindari salah tempa)

6.3 dekatkan char kamu ke antonio

6.4 macronya :

macro plusempat {
$jumlah = @invamount(Wool Scarf [1])
$i = 0
while ($i < $jumlah) as jumlahTidal
do eq Wool Scarf [1]
pause 0.5
do talknpc 144 173 r0 r0
pause 0.5
do talknpc 144 173 r0 r0
pause 0.5
do talknpc 144 173 r0 r0
pause 0.5
do talknpc 144 173 r0 r0
pause 0.5
end jumlahTidal
do uneq +4 Wool Scarf [1]

6.5 ketik macro plusempat di layar bot untuk memulai tempa

7. Untuk menggunakan NPC Warper (Payon) :

8. Macro auto-repair v 2 (Payon)

8.1 Hrus save di payon

8.2 Masukin ini ke items_control.txt : BROKEN +7 Tights [Anolian] [1] 0 0 0

8.3 Ubah yg bercetak merah dengan equipment yang mau diset.

8.4 Jangan lupa, 1x repair = 5.000 zeny, jd ya siapin duid secukupnya, klo ga ada bakal stuck bolak balik tar..

automacro repair {
run-once 1
exclusive 1
inventory "BROKEN +7 Tights [Anolian] [1]" >= 1
call {
release repair2
do respawn
pause 5
do move payon 151 178

automacro repair2 {
run-once 1
exclusive 1
location payon 151 178
call {
do talknpc 143 165 r0 r0
pause 5
do north 1
pause 0.5
release releaseRepair
pause 3
do eq +7 Tights [Anolian] [1]
pause 3
do autostorage

automacro releaseRepair {
location not payon
run-once 1
call {
pause 0.5
do c @autoloot 100
pause 0.5
release repair
pause 0.5
release repair2
pause 0.5